Tuesday, September 22, 2009


He slammed his door and turned the keys. Aaron's car gave a satisfying roar as it came to life, but the start-up roar wasn't going to be enough tonight. Before his window's made it all the way down he had left the driveway and was on his way to the freeway disturbing the neighborhood's peace due to his lack of timely shifting.
He knew her bedroom window would be open welcoming the crisp night air therefor she could maybe hear him all the way to the freeway. He was going to make sure of.
Blowing through the stop-light he turned onto the on-ramp kicking the back end of his car out making sure the tires screamed through the silent night. How could she be so bull-headed? Even though she wouldn't be able to hear him anymore, it didn't slow him down. With his rpms never dropping below three grand, his shift into fourth gear brought his Mustang over 100 mph.
Why hasn't she called me back, she knows I'm pissed. He thought for sure his theatrics through the neighborhood would worry her into calling him to cool him down. Screw it. I don't want to talk to her anyways.

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