Monday, October 12, 2009


Before he knew it his life was turned upside down…literally. The big storm on the coast of Australia had lifted the garbage can he was digging through while looking for the leftover cheesy fries he could smell and tossed it and him into the vast ocean. Even though his nest, wife, and little pinkies (they still hadn’t gotten there fur) weren’t too far from the beach, he wasn’t very familiar with the ocean. He recognized its smell, but it tasted horrible. Even worse than the yellow water that he sometimes came across in the white bowls. He managed to make his way to the top of the garbage can and squeaked and squeaked for help, but it was in vain. He tried swimming back to home, but he didn’t make it very far before getting too tired to continue any further, so he was forced to go back to what appeared to be his new home. Inside the garbage can wasn’t horrible, it had all the amenities of back home, but it lacked the most important thing, his family. Now he was accompanied by new companions that continually bumped against new home. They were strange creatures that lived inside the horrible tasting water. They looked silly with strange big eyes on either side of there head and strange looking wings along there body. Worst of all, they didn’t understand him. The first time he noticed them following his home, he asked what they were, but got nothing back. With all of his food gone, he was starting to get desperate. He was starving and couldn’t concentrate on anything but his stomach. Screw it; he had to do something so he leapt into the water once again, this time with no intention of turning back. After swimming for an eternity, his home was no longer visible, but he was driven with an insurmountable urge to eat, so he continued forth. About to give up, he noticed something protruding out of the water! Maybe it was a new home! With food! The object was getting closer and closer, almost too quickly, but the thought of food blinded him. When he reached the object, instead of being greeted with a tasty meal like he had hoped, he was greeted with a large dark opening of which he was swirled into. He made it onto something solid and there were tiny little creatures squirming all around him. He was frightened, and his lungs were full of water. The tongue he made it onto slowly lifted, dumping him deep into the digestive system of a whale.

I wanted to try something different with Journey and I failed miserably, but I didn't want to just trash it because I spent time on it. I tried writing from a rat's perspective, but it was difficult to do and probably a waste of time because I know my audience isn't children and it is hard to relate to a rat, but here it is, it was worth the experiment I think. Also, I know the ending sucked, but I knew the story was lame, so I kind of just pooped out.

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