Monday, October 12, 2009

Bear at the door

“Hey sweetheart, nice ass.” The statement was mostly shocking to them both. After the initial shock, however, Jane immediately turned to me, eyebrows raised as if she was wondering why I hadn’t already done something. All I wanted was to get my ass kicked in pool by my wonderful girlfriend of two years, but with the knot tightening in my stomach; it appeared that tonight was going to have a lot more in store. My first reaction was to look around as if to see if a teacher or somebody of authority would be found in this dinky little bar to hear this guy and take care of him for me. Remembering that I am an adult and there aren’t authority figures always around to take care of confrontations for me, I stammered a little and addressed the tall well built gentleman. “Excuse me sir, that’s my girlfriend you are talking to.” I didn’t think the statement came out nearly as bold and defiant as I thought it would, and after the guy turned to his buddies and laughed, I knew for sure it hadn’t. “What’s she doing with a dude like you, that fine ass should be with a man that knows what to do with it,” followed by more laughter from him and his friends. All I wanted to do now was leave, and I was willing to accept the ridicule while I walked out the door. I didn’t have to go back to that bar again, it wasn’t very nice anyways. We could find a new bar no problem. But the look in Jane’s eyes wasn’t one of “let’s find a new bar”, more like “you had better do something”. Now I was uncomfortable and getting angry for being put in the situation both by this guy and Jane wanting me to do something about it when clearly this guy and his two buddies could easily kick my ass. “Hey man, why don’t you just mind your business and go find some whore to hook up with and leave me and my girlfriend alone.” And that was clearly enough to commence a battle with the guy. At one point I thought to myself, I thought these things were supposed to end after high school, but apparently not for everyone. With the very few fighting skills I possess, most of them, actually all of them learned from television, movies, and video games, I didn’t last very long in the fight. Two weeks later, with the shadow of a black eye still, I got engaged. I knew that if I would get into a fist fight for Jane, she was for sure the one. Plus, it made her absolutely adore me, even though I got my ass kicked.

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