Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rewrite of scene from movie

I chose the movie 300 thinking that some of its scenes fit really nicely with some of the mythical story telling structure things, then after watching it, I realized that it followed the structure very closely. Also, I love the movie, probably top 3 or 5 for me. While watching it, I typed up notes on the scenes that went along with the different patterns, then I chose a scene and tried story telling it. While I was typing my notes, I figured that was exactly what they were going to be, but now thinking about it, I figured I would just paste them in my blog. Being how I thought they were notes just for me, they are a little graphic and strange.

Ordinary world- Entire intro to movie showing how Spartans are made

Call to adventure- When the Persian comes into Sparta asking for submission and King Leonidas is a badass and kills him. Really sets tone for entire movie, Spartans are badasses.

Refusal of the Call- Oracle sends Leonidas away frustrated and torn.

Meeting the Mentor (Wise Old Man or Woman)- His wife convinces him of what he already knew and wanted.

Crossing the First Threshold- Leonidas gathers 300 men and leaves disregarding the rule of the gods and tells the prophets that he isn’t engaging in war. Leaves behind wife and child

Test, Allies, Enemies- From early on in their journey/march, disfigured dude follows asks Leonidas if he can join and Leonidas declines him, ultimately leading to his downfall. Arcadians join as allies. Possible first test- reach burning village, young boy speaks of immortals, Arcadians are scared, Spartans are confident and keep marching on. Other possible test- Black guy comes to talk to a leader and sees that Spartans have built a wall of their peeps, and Spartans act like the badasses that they are and show the dude what’s up. Crippled dude shows himself telling about a back way to get to the Spartans and Leonidas stays cool and talks to him. But ultimately tells him that he cannot help them. Test being the hidden passage to the back of the Spartans that will ultimately lead them to their doom.

Approach to the Inmost Cave- 300 Spartans and weak Arcadians start whooping some ass and killing different waves of Persian warriors. First Persian gets spear thrown at him and the battle begins, the Spartans are incredibly badass. Defeat many waves with practiced precision. Astinof dies.

Supreme Ordeal- Cripple dude gives away hidden path. Leonidas tells many to leave and keeps a handful to die a beautiful death. Final showdown with Zerxies, Leonidas gets plan that seems like he can’t refuse.

Reward (Seizing the Sword)- Leonidas refuses to submit to Zerxies and proves that even a god-king can bleed at the cost of Leonidas’ life.

The Road Back- One eye guy went back to Sparta to tell the story of what happened and gather more troops. Everybody is sad that they all died.

Resurrection- A year later, one eye guy is the ruler of a huge army of 10,000 Spartans and 30,000 Greeks formed to revenge the 300 soldier’s deaths

Return with the Elixir- Assumed that since the 300 Spartans whooped so much ass, that 10,000 should have no problem doing work.

Call to adventure-

It started as normal a day as any. Leonidas was about finished with his Spartan lesson to his boy. Today was an important on; respect and honor. Little did Leonidas know that the events that would take place next would set up the events that would cement his story in history. Leonidas saw the concerned look in his wife’s eyes as his most trusted soldier and friend approached them.

“A Persian messenger awaits you.”

Leonidas knew this day would be soon to come and it didn’t worry him. The Spartans have gone long without a serious war and he knew the Persians were growing in number conquering numerous countries. It was a matter of time before they would be at the gates of Sparta.

As Theron, Sparta’s most respected councilmen, and the Persian approached Leonidas, he already knew the outcome of what was next to come. He could see that this Persian was arrogant and greedy just like the rest. He was dawned in fancy fabrics and rare stones and metals, and rode with the skulls of the kings of the other conquered countries in a bag on his horse. This made the blood start to pump through his veins just a little faster. He was getting angry, but excited. Leonidas found it disgusting how seeing Theron made him feel the same way. They were both snakes.

As the Persian messenger opened his mouth, Leonidas interrupted him, letting him know that in Sparta, no amount of disrespect is allowed, even from just a messenger. The next words out of the simple Persian’s mouth were simply, “Earth and water.” It upset Leonidas that this Persian would ride all the way her to waste his time with games and riddles.

As the Persian continued about the God-king Xerxes and how vast and powerful his army is, Leonidas didn’t even hear him. He knew it was time for Sparta to take on its most powerful adversary yet. The more the Persian spoke, the faster the blood began to flow in Leonidas’ veins. The word “submission” came out of the Persian messenger’s mouth. This stupid Persian, Leonidas thought, doesn’t he know that Sparta bows down to no man? That Sparta is where warriors are born and bred? The Persian messenger did not choose how to speak to Leonidas very carefully and he would pay, but the time had to be right.

As Leonidas began speaking, that snake of a politician, Theron, began interrupting him, telling him to be diplomatic. Now Leonidas’ blood was really pumping, and he continued on with the Persian. Until he was cut off.

“Choose your next words wisely Leonidas.” This stupid arrogant Persian didn’t get it. The adrenalin was fully working in his body now. Leonidas could feel the cool breeze running across his feet and wrapping around his broad chest. He gazed as his countries vast hills and land, knowing that it very well could be one of the last times he would get to appreciate its beauty before he engaged in war. He looked at the children, women, and men around him, knowing that true Spartan blood ran through them all, and they were waiting for Leonidas to take care of this Persian.

As Leonidas pulled his sword to the unsuspecting Persian, all of his men around him did the same. The Persian was completely shocked; like for some reason he thought he could come into Sparta and behave and say whatever it is he wants without any consequences. The Persian was backed against the sacrifice pit.

“Earth and water, well you will find plenty of both down there.” His teeth were bared, he could taste the kill coming, “You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death. Oh, I have chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same.”

Leonidas gave the Persian one last long look. He knew that his next action meant war for Sparta. He looked over to his queen for reassurance. As she nodded, the Persian’s eyes widened. With a strong kick to the chest, and yell in for Sparta, Leonidas sent the messenger flying backwards solidifying his decision for war.

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