Sunday, November 1, 2009

character we drew

"Heel boy. What was that?" His horse's ears perked up; he had heard it too. THWACK. There it was again. Dirk unsheathed his sword. Dirk knew all too well the dangers on the trail to Yermton. The trail always looked very calm and peaceful, especially today. There was vast cornfields on the south side of the trail and leafless trees along the north side. The slight breeze ran all the way down Dirk's back, chilling his spine. THWACK! They were appoaching the sound cautiously. The stream ahead was the most dangerous part of the trip. THWACK! Dirk knew his horse would sense his unease, but he couldn't help but tense up. THWACK! They came around the corner and saw a man, no more than four feet tall. THWACK! The man's hammer slammed against the poorly put together cart on the back of his mule. With every swing of the hammer, it looked like it was about to fall further apart.
"Would you like a hand?"
The man turned around quickly and scowled. "No boy mind your business!"
Dirk put away his sword and approached the man. "I have more tools in my satchel, let me lend you a hand, this is no place to be hanging around."
The man approached Dirk looking intense and fierce. "Boy what do you know!" Dirk could smell the man's foul stench from four feet away. "I don't need the help of a baby hands little boy and I can handle myself."
The man's scowl showed what few teeth he had were quite crooked and brown. Even the man's mule reeked. Dirk desperately wanted to help, but if this man was going to be this stubborn and stupid, he deserved to be let behind. Dirk turned to his horse and whispered, "Alright boy, if this man want's to be left alone out here, let's leave him be."
"I'm not alone boy! I have my horse and my friends right here!" Surprised, Dirk looked around and saw nobody. There was no movement or anything. He lowered his voice even lower, "Besides, this man is crazy." The man jerked his head back, and he stared fiercely at Dirk. There was no way the man heard that Dirk thought. As Dirk started walking away, he looked back and caught the bitter old man looking at him walking away. Dirk couldn't tell it for sure, but he thought there was a glitter on the man's cheek that could have been a tear. He just kept on his way.

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